Terms and Conditions - Artillies

Welcome to Artillies!

These Terms of Use ("Terms") explain the rules for using the Artillies web application ("App") developed and maintained by Organizers Support s.r.o. (“We”, “Us”) registered at Rubeška 215/1, Prague 9 - Vysočany, ZIP: 190 00, Czech Republic Corporate ID: 04244885, Tax ID: CZ04244885, recorded in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, File No. C 244472. The App helps Artists sell their art and Venues showcase artwork to potential buyers, fostering human interaction and art appreciation.

Who can use Artillies?

There are three main user roles on Artillies:

  • Artists: Individuals or businesses who create and sell art pieces.
  • Venues: Brick-and-mortar establishments that partner with the App to exhibit and offer art pieces for sale.
  • Customers: End-users who purchase art pieces through the App.

Additional user roles:

  • Agents: Artillies business partners.
  • Print shops: Established print, photo or frame shops.

An art piece or artwork on the App is considered a wide variety of creative works, including:

  • Paintings
  • Drawings
  • Sculptures
  • Photographs

By using Artillies in any way (as Artist, Venue, Agent, Print shop or Customer), you agree to these Terms.

Using the App

Artists, Venues, Agents and Print Shops must create accounts with accurate information and keep them secure.

Artist Responsibilities

  • You are responsible for creating detailed and accurate art piece listings with photos, descriptions, technical details, and pricing and maintaining your account information.
  • You must open an account with our current payment provider to access sale features.
  • Communicate clearly with Venues and respond promptly to customer inquiries.

Venue Responsibilities

  • You're responsible for creating accurate accounts and managing your exhibited art pieces.
  • Provide excellent customer service, including art security, communication, and handling any art issues (e.g., damage, disputes).
  • Open an account with our current payment provider to access sale features.

Customer Responsibilities

  • Review art details carefully before purchasing.
  • Make timely payments using the designated payment methods within the App.
  • Conduct yourself respectfully while interacting with the App, Artists, and Venues.

Print Shops

Print shops provide artists with easy access to framing their art pieces, creating copies or taking professional photographs of their art. They can offer their services and receive payment through the App. Artillies is not responsible in any way for the quality of services offered by Print shops.


Agents are Artillies business agents that introduce Artillies to new Venues or Artists (linked Venue/Artist). They receive an agreed upon commission from art sales resulting from these new clients. The commission is taken from the Artillies app fee, so that the Artists' or Venues' commission stays intact irrespective of whether an Agent is linked to them or not. If not otherwise stated, commission to Agents is paid out for the duration of 2 years from the first sale of an art piece in/of a linked Venue/Artist.
An Artist or a Venue owner or anyone closely associated with a Venue may not be an Agent linked to their Artist or Venue account at the same time. If this were to be found to be the case, we reserve the right to immediately terminate the Agent, Artist or Venue profile.

Buying Art on Artillies

  • In-Person Purchases: Art on the App can only be purchased through a QR code at the Venue or the Venue's App dashboard to encourage in-person interaction and art appreciation.
  • No Refunds or Returns: Art purchased through Artillies is considered a final sale. There are no warranties, returns, or refunds offered through the App. If you have any concerns about your art piece, please contact the Artist or Venue directly. They will be happy to assist you in finding a satisfactory resolution.
  • Delivery and Collection: Artists and Venues are responsible for arranging delivery and collection of art pieces.

App Fees and Subscriptions

  • The App provides a platform for Artists and Venues to display and sell art pieces. Artists and Venues decide beforehand on their respective commission from art piece sales. Artillies deducts a platform fee from each sale, which covers all expenses including payment processor fees or Agent commissions. Up-to-date information on this fee is published on our Pricing information webpage.
  • The App offers various subscription tiers with varying functionality. Details on prices and features are available on our Subscription plans information webpage.
  • The App charges a platform fee for providing Print shops their services.

Important Disclaimers

  • We are not responsible for:
    • Inaccurate information provided by Artists or Venues regarding art piece listings or descriptions.
    • The quality of art pieces, their safety, or physical fulfillment of art orders. However, the App guarantees consistency in User data, conducted trades, and any other information within the scope of the App.
  • Art piece responsibility:
    • By default, the Artist is solely responsible for their artwork throughout its transit, display, and sale. If the artwork is stolen, damaged, or rendered unfit for sale, the Artist bears this responsibility. Venues and Artillies are not liable for any compensation.
    • This responsibility can be changed by a written agreement signed by both the Artist and Venue. Such agreements take precedence over these Terms.
  • Tax: We don't provide tax advice, nor any accounting services. The App provides legal information about transactions for your reference. Artists and Venues will find necessary information on a designated page within the App. Customers receive a receipt by email detailing transaction amounts. It's your responsibility (Artist or Venue) to adhere to your local tax regulations. All artwork prices include applicable local VAT, if any.

Your Content

You are responsible for the content you upload, such as art descriptions and images. You grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use this content solely for operating the App.


We reserve the right to terminate access to the App for Artists or Venues who violate these Terms or engage in illegal activity. We are obligated by Czech Republic jurisdiction and European law to report any illegal activities to local authorities. Any relevant user data will be shared with authorities if necessary.

Artists and Venues can terminate their accounts at any point, in which case all art listings will be removed, and User data will be stored according to local privacy regulations.


  • Governing Law: These Terms are governed by the laws of Czech Republic Jurisdiction.
  • Dispute Resolution: We encourage Artists, Venues, and Customers to communicate directly to resolve any disputes.
  • Entire Agreement: These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Artillies regarding the use of the App.
  • Updates to Terms: We reserve the right to update these Terms at any time. Your continued use of the App following any revisions means you accept the updated version of these Terms.